"99% of All Real Estate Investors - That Are Doing ANYTHING with Social Media - Are COMPLETELY Wasting Their Time. Don't Let That Be YOU!"
You CAN Be Successful with Social Media In Your Real Estate Business RIGHT NOW If You Cut Through the Clutter and Follow the Path of Least Resistance...
FACT: 87% (up to 94% depending on the source of your statistic) of all buyers now start their home search online... Do you know how to reach them?
FACT: Two of the top five real estate sites on the Internet are social networks!
FACT: Facebook has OVER 500,000,000 unique visitors every single month... Are you getting real leads there?
FACT: You need to figure out how to make social media work the RIGHT WAY if you want to stay in real estate in this day and age ;-)
Here's What You'll Learn When You Claim Your Access to
"SSMS Real Estate: The Simple Social Media Real Estate System for Real Estate Investors" RIGHT NOW...
- Five (5) ESSENTIAL social media networks for real estate investors (+ 3 bonuses)
- Two (2) real estate-related social media sites that most investors don’t even know about!
Chances are, you’ve never even heard of these…
- How to use social media to REALLY drive traffic to your real estate website or blog...
- The secret to using Facebook to build a REAL buyers list of people looking for ACTUAL properties
(No, this isn’t your typical ‘buyer’s list’ babble) - How to use social media to build a virtual investing business ANYWHERE in the country
It doesn’t matter what’s going on in your own backyard. Invest where the profits are ;-)
- Seven (7) types of Facebook posts (and Tweets) you can start using TODAY…
- How to generate REAL friends and followers that are actually interested in real estate…
- Eleven (11) ways to get REAL people to "like" your Facebook page…
- You’ll learn our secret tactic for getting 500 “likes” in 72 hours or less… And why this is critical for quick success for your real estate Facebook page
- How to get results with social media in 30 minutes or less per day…
- Our proven 7-step content syndication system that gets results FAST!
- Six (6) ways to get your properties out to targeted buyers in less than 60-seconds!
- Why most real estate investors get social media wrong... and don't achieve any results whatsoever — and what you should be doing differently...
- How to discover exactly what buyers, sellers and influencers in your market are talking about so that you can enter the conversation using automated tools...
- How to use Facebook the RIGHT way for your BUSINESS... and how to keep your personal life separate!
- How to set up your social profiles to get more leads, create more connections, and generate more business (and leads)...
- How to develop a content strategy for social media...
- The right tools and tactics to generate leads, build relationships, and get deals...
- And much, much more...
Here's What You'll Get When You Sign Up for "SSMS Real Estate" Today
- Digital Training Guide: SSMS for Real Estate Investors (Value $297)
Over 77 pages of detailed information… This is a COMPREHENSIVE, easy-to-follow, training
guide that walks you through the major social media outlets you need to know for real estate. It includes:
- Comprehensive chapters for each of the 5 recommended social media vehicles for real estate including…
- A step-by-step getting started process for each…
- Your DAILY ACTION PLAN for social marketing…
- 3 bonus chapters that will complete your real estate social marketing system…
- "10 Ways to Create Social Media Content on Demand" Webinar (Value $297)
On this LIVE webinar, you'll learn hot to get GOOD QUALITY content that you need for an effective social media strategy, simple strategies for “chunking” content so that you can repurpose it in 11+ different ways, the single biggest key to social media marketing and why you need good “stuff” to share, how to use OTHER people’s content for your posts, updates, and more…
- Social Media Modules (Value $47)
We've gone ahead and pulled out each of the 5 major modules into mini-reports so you can print out what you're working on without having to print the entire manual. Turn these over to an assistant or set up your accounts yourself. Either way, these will help you consume the manual in manageable chunks. - Expert Audio Training (Automating Social Media In 30 Minutes/Day) (Value $47)
In this audio training with Connie Ragen-Green you'll learn how to make the most of your social media time (in two 15 minute chunks/day... THAT'S IT!) - Expert Audio Training (Meetup.com for Real Estate) (Value $47)
In this audio training with Conrad hall, you'll learn how to use Meetup.com to build a profitable business and how to become the expert in your local farm area... - Daily 'Action Plan' Checklist (Value $100)
You'll get your daily action plan so that you can get in and get out and make the most of your time each day. This 10-point checklist for success will keep you on track or let you turn everything over to an assistant to handle it for you...
That's a total value of $835... For ONLY $197.00 $47.00 RIGHT NOW!
But I'm Even Going to Throw In 12 Months of Unlimited E-Coaching ($1164.00 Value)
Now... I'm doing this for 2 reasons...
- I want you to be successful and get results with social media. The more successful you are, the happier we are; and
- I want to make this SUCH a no-brainer so that you can start seeing results with your social media efforts in as 30 days or less...
Plus... by coaching you, I'm able to find out what we can improve so that we can truly make this the best training in the marketplace for all real estate professionals. PERIOD!
Plus, You've Got Absolutely NOTHING to Lose When
You Claim Your Access IMMEDIATELY Because...

Here's How to Get Your Hands on"SSMS Real Estate: The Simple Social Media System for Real Estate Investors"
(Total Value: $1999.00. Yours TODAY for ONE Payment of $197.00 $47)
"SSMS Real Estate: Simple Social Media System for Real Estate Investors" COMPREHENSIVE Training Program
Yes, Heather! I want to take advantage of "SSMS Real Estate: Simple Social Media System for Real Estate Investors".
- I understand that I can get started with the program for one single payment of $47 today and that I will never be billed again...
- I understand that by placing my order right now, I am entitled to the training manual and all the bonuses listed above.
- I understand that this offer is extremely LIMITED and only available on a first come, first served basis and that I only guarantee my price of just $47 if I place my order right now...
Yours In Success,
Heather Seitz
P.S. This is your last chance. Will you step up to the plate swinging or will you strike out again? You've got nothing to lose by going up to bat... Don't put it off another minute.
P.P.S. The time is NOW. The "gurus" are going to keep taking from you until you've got nothing left to give. Do you have the courage to fight back? Don't jump on the latest and greatest "product launch" bandwagon... Focus on what others aren't doing and finally take the chance to make all of your dreams come true.