I grew up in a small town in New England. I had no choice other than to be patriotic and proud! We took field trips down the path of Paul Revere and visited the cemeteries of our forefathers. We walked on battleships that served in wars and stood in the same buildings that history was made.
Yet now… more than 230 years later, it’s as if we’ve forgotten. We’re so busy fighting wars in foreign lands, closing down our borders and trying to save the world from famine, we’ve lost what it means to be American.
To be an American means so much more than just to be born here, it means freedom: freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of choice. America means capitalism, competition, a free market and democracy. To be an American means to have a dream, a goal, a desire, the American Dream.
So, if you are going to pursue the American Dream, then do it passionately and be proud that you are an American. Know that because of where you live, you have opportunities that others don’t. Define your dream and go after it with the same passion that our Founding Fathers had when laying the foundation for our country. Know that in achieving your dreams, you will have sacrifice and you will have loss along the way. Stick with it when it seems like you’re losing ground. Remember… wars are won battle by battle! And wars are lost one battle at a time!
My advice to you is to get in and stay in. The rewards will be worth it in the end and the financial freedom will be yours to enjoy and pass on to your children and your children’s children.
And … no matter what your opinion is on the war(s), take a moment to honor those that have fought for this country and those that have made the ultimate sacrifice so that you can be an American and enjoy our freedom. Happy 4th of July! Take a moment to post your comments about what you’re doing to create your own American Dream!
And now for you history buffs… A friend of mine forwarded this to me and I thought I’d share it with you! Continue reading