Tag Archives: mp

Why Absentee Owner Marketing?

There are 5 reasons NOW is the time to really look at absentee owners as your primary method of finding sellers – with equity.

But before we get into the reasons why absentee owners are a great market right now, it’s important for us to define absentee owners in the manner in which WE discuss it for purposes of this article and in our Absentee Owner Marketing training.

For our purposes, when we refer to “absentee owners”, we’ll be referring to owners of real property whose mailing address is 50 miles or farther away from the subject property.

Let’s look at the top 5 reasons absentee owner marketing is ripe for the picking RIGHT NOW. Continue reading

Getting Started In Real Estate Investing

Real estate investing is really simple if you simply follow the basics. The problem is that we have the tendency to complicate things more than they really need to be AND that we over-think things too much. We get “too much” specialized knowledge that it begins to cripple us from ever getting started in real estate investing.

When I started out in the business, I made a commitment that I had to implement at least one thing from any home study course I purchased, event I attended, or book that I read before I could buy something else.

You see, we all tend to keep looking for the “magic pill” to riches in real estate and no such thing exists. You need to actually take action and apply the specialized knowledge that you are getting — not simply go from strategy to strategy, never actually implementing anything.

In addition, when you take this piece meal approach to getting started in real estate investing, you often get contradictory information, which makes you start to question if a strategy will work. Continue reading

Remembering 9-11

Like most Americans (and many non-Americans around the world), September 11th is a day that you’ll always remember as if it occured only yesterday. On that day, I finally understood the stories of my grandparents about major events that had happened in their lives and that had transformed America. If you were alive on September 11, 2010, it is a day you’ll never forget. You’ll always remember where you were, who you were with, and the emotions that you felt as hours passed.

I was sleeping at the time the first tower was struck. My friend, who was a teacher, called me to tell me the news. I didn’t answer the call.

Minutes later, another friend called. This time, I did answer the call because I knew that if she was calling, something serious must be going on. I was groggy when I picked up the phone to her frantic questioning, “Are you watching tv?” “Do you know what’s happened?”

I did not.

So, I quickly jumped up from bed and turned on the television. It was perched atop a shoe rack because I’d just recently moved in and didn’t have all my furniture. I stood about 3 feet in front of it, just watching… confused, concerned, and unsure what exactly was going on. Continue reading

Probate Investing Lunch & Learn

Here’s some of what we covered in this 60-minute webinar:

  • How you can not only buy a property that’s in probate, but also WHY people NEED INVESTORS in many cases to close out the estate…
  • 3 important pieces of information you need to get when you talk to the seller…
  • How to pay less for deals than other investors by knowing this critical process…
  • The marketing timeline for probate – and who you need to be talking to in your marketing…
  • And much, much more…

Selecting the Right Structure for Your Business

Without a doubt, the single biggest question that I receive as I travel the country and meet with clients is this: which is the best entity?

While it is indeed the most common question I’m asked, it’s also the hardest to answer. The reason for that is that I don’t think that there is a “best” entity. You see, some entities will give you certain benefits that aren’t available through other entities from a tax standpoint. At the same time, these entities may not offer the same benefits as another type of entity from an asset protection standpoint. Additionally, they may not offer the estate planning benefits offered through Continue reading

Getting Started in Real Estate

Real estate investing is really simple if you simply follow the basics. The problem is that we have the tendency to complicate things more than they really need to be AND that we over-think things too much. We get “too much” specialized knowledge that it begins to cripple us.

When I started out in the business, I made a commitment that I had to implement at least one thing from any home study course I purchased, event I attended, or book that I read before I could buy something else. You see, we tend to keep looking for the “magic pill” to riches in real estate and no such thing exists. You need to actually take action and apply the specialized knowledge that you are getting — not simply go from strategy to strategy, never actually implementing anything. Continue reading

Reduce Your Chances of An IRS Audit

3 Simple IRS Audit-Reduction Tips… AVOID E-File! It was created to audit you better, more efficiently, cheaper. A former IRS commissioner called it, “State of the art auditing”. Using E-file is like putting your head in the mouth of an alligator, whose name is “IRS”! Instead file the computerized paper forms and mail them, making it more difficult for the IRS.

NOTE: Recent legislation states after December 31, 2010 (2011 on) returns are mandated to be filed electronically by most tax preparers.   Continue reading

Classified Ads for Real Estate

Let’s get right to the point here!

Classified ads work IF YOU DO THEM CORRECTLY!

There are hundreds of classified ads in any of your publications on a daily basis. Most of them look identical to one another and don’t do anythingto grab the attention of your prospects.

Your only goal in marketing is to get apotentially motivated seller (or buyer) to contact you. Nothing else! (Despite what some say).

Just as in any training that I do on marketing, I will tell you Continue reading

Following A System…

Recently, we had a guest expert on our Interviews with the Expert series. The topic was investing in land. (Here’s the webinar link in case you want to check it out).

During the webinar, I had kind of an “aha” moment and I decided to do a “challenge”.

I was going to take Jack’s system (Note: I had NEVER gone through the materials personally prior to this) and implement it. My goal was to get a parcel of land under contract in 30 days or less.

Here’s What I Did…

I committed to spending 60 minutes/day on the system. Continue reading

Short Sale Attorney

More and more investors and real estate agents are using attorneys and negotiators to get their deals done.

It’s the perfect answer to the “I don’t want to deal with banks and short sales” issue. OR IS IT?

If you are a homeowner trying to get a short sale approved on your home, whether you’re a homeowner or an investor, you might want to think twice about the hands-off negotiations. There are far too many people that over promise and under deliver. Continue reading