How to Use "Language" to Influence People

My name is Bill Twyford. I’ve been in the business for little over eight years, and I’ve done almost 850 transactions. I’m very, very assertive. My specialty is communication–talking to homeowners and talking to banks.

So let’s start with some embedded commands. Embedded commands are patterns of language that bypass conscious reasoning and speak directly to the subconscious mind. Embedded commands influence people at the subconscious level. This allows you to direct people to take specific actions.

They will also have specific thoughts and will generally do whatever it is you want them to do. The subconscious is in a constant search for patterns. One command is not a pattern. You have to bombard your customer with command after command after command.

Your brain is always analyzing what’s going on around you. It’s trying to find similar things from your past and trying to line them up. The subconscious mind has stored millions and millions of conversations with other human beings. These conversations have become so routine, that the mind has virtually fallen asleep.
Your subconscious mind runs on auto pilot. It’s accustomed to remembering or responding to stuff day after day. Remember, the older you get, the more you think, “auto pilot heard this before.”

When using embedded commands correctly, you create unusual patterns of language that force the subconscious mind to wake up and pay attention.

Well what’s the result? The subconscious has received a direct and specific command that it feels compelled to act on. What does this mean to you? Let me explain.

When you are in a normal, everyday conversation with investors, banks, and customers, you can influence them to sell this house, sign the deed, sign the contract, accept this offer, or whatever it is else you want them to do with absolutely no resistance.

How Is There No Resistance?

Remember embedded commands bypass conscious reasoning and speak directly to the subconscious level. Now, they simply begin to get it in their minds that they should do whatever it is you want them to do. Embedded commands are one to four word groups that order you to do something, and they make sense on their own.

Commands are like time bombs. When you use a command, you don’t instantly see a reaction. When you say a command, you plant it in the subconscious mind, and it begins to grow into an action. Commands only work in massive quantities. Remember, the subconscious is looking for patterns. And one or two commands are not a pattern.

Examples of Powerful Embedded Commands

Lets look at a few of these sentences that I wrote down. The first thing I say to homeowners when I get to their house is: ?Usually my customers *do as I say*. Shall we *begin*? Now, what’s funny is to see their reaction to that. They always, 100% of the time say “Okay!” and start working with you.

Now, as you’re walking from the front door, to the kitchen table, or into the living room, in their minds they’re thinking: ?Did he just say I had to do what he said?? It’s very, very powerful language patterns.

Another one: If you don’t practice this daily, you will bumble and stumble when it comes time for your presentation. Don’t you agree? If you don’t (down-swing) *practice this daily*, you will bumble and stumble when it comes time for your presentation. (down swing) Don’t you agree??

Now, we didn’t say: (up-swing) “Don’t you agree?” We said, (down-swing) “Don’t you agree?” We pulled down on the “agree.” It sounds more commanding. You’re basically telling them what the answer is: “Yes, you do agree.” *Practice this daily* is the embedded command.

Let’s look at another one: ?You should work with me, so I can help you get what you want.? *Work with me* is the command.

Another one: “You must take notes while I’m speaking. You will learn so much more. Shall we do that now? *Take notes* is the embedded command.

Another one: You can begin to relax now that you are here. *Relax* is the embedded command.

Another one: You need to think deeply about what you’re saying. *Think deeply* is the embedded command.

And the last one: I don’t know when you’ll (pause) feel motivated. I don’t know when you’ll (pause) feel motivated. (pause) You have to (pause) trust your feelings (pause) and make that decision.

Now let’s put “begin” in there. Let’s put a presupposition in there. I don’t know when you’ll ?begin? to (pause) feel motivated. (pause) You have to (pause) trust your feelings and (pause) make that decision.

Use Powerful Language Patterns and Assumptions

Now, can you see how much stronger these language patterns are than what you’re using? A lot of people, when they do short sales, call up the bank and say “Do you do short sales?” Don’t ever do that–ever.

Here’s how you handle it. “Hi my name is Bob. I’ve done a short sale package on 123 Elm St. Here’s the loan #. Can you pull the file up quick?

And they’ll pull up the file. “Where do I need to fax my short sale package, so you can go ahead and get this approved?? Now, hear the assumptions in there? “Where do I need to fax my short sale package?” It’s not, Do you do short sales? Now, I’m assuming their going to approve it. Okay? Hear the language patterns here? This step, guys and gals, is so incredibly important.

I have a program called Secrets of Closing the Deal. It’s an NLP program, and it’s exactly what we’re talking about here. Let’s look at another one: “Unless you feel motivated, you’ll never decide to work with me, which means you’ll never get out of your situation, and that’s not what you want. Is it??

Hear how demanding that sounds and how assumptive that sounds? Let me tell you something; analogical marking is four things, in embedded commands:

  • Pausing before the embedded command
  • Going louder on the embedded command
  • Down-swinging on the embedded command
  • Pausing after the embedded command

So let’s read it again: “Unless you *feel motivated*, you will never decide to *work with me*, which means you’ll never get out of your situation, and that’s not what you want. Is it”?


“Unless you *(down-swing) feel motivated*, you’ll never decide to *(down-swing) work with me*, which means you’ll *(down-swing) never* get out of your situation, and that’s not what you (down-swing) want. (down-swing) Is it??

See how much stronger that is? What I want you to do is get strong with your language patterns, and get strong with how you talk to homeowners and banks and how you talk to other investors. Remember, great sales people assume everything. Perception is reality. If they think you have power, you do. If they think you’re an imposter, they’re correct.

Do the Homework, Get the Edge…

Start writing down some of these embedded commands. Now, you know what’s funny? Only 10% of you are going to do this. You know what? This is work. However, that 10% will out-produce the other 90% guaranteed. Let me give you some embedded commands.

  • Sign the contract
  • Trust me
  • Accept this offer
  • Work with me
  • Sell this house
  • Decide now
  • Act now
  • Do what I say
  • Do as I say
  • Feel motivated
  • Get excited
  • Take action
  • Agree with me
  • Convince yourself
  • Believe me
  • Extend the agreement
  • Come to my office
  • Sign this now
  • Listen to me
  • Accept less
  • Take notes

There are all kinds of them. My “Negotiate Like a Pro” System is full of over a hundred of them. Now, write these sentences down that you’ve created. Get them down to where you know exactly how to say them. When you figure out exactly how to say them, you can figure out how your customer is reacting to them.

I want you to say those sentences fifty times a day as fast as you can. When the customer says something, you know how to react to it. When the homeowner says, You know what? Why should I deed my house to you?? Bam! You have the answer for it. You have something so much stronger in your arsenal. I hope you have learned something.

About the author…

Bill Twyford has been buying foreclosures for almost a decade. In his first year as an investor, he sold eighty properties. The money was ten times better than any commission he had earned, so he made the switch from agent to investor, and his career took off. To date he has sold well over 850 properties.

Bill is so successful because he has learned the art of communication. The difference between earning good money and great money is the way you speak. Learning Neuro Linguistic Programming, NLP, will change your life, too.

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