Tag Archives: what to outsource in real estate wholesaling

Real Estate Outsourcing: Is This Why You're Not Successful?

Last week, I was on a coaching call with one of our students… and the light bulb went off in my head. It was that “ah ha” moment. I finally really understood one of the 3 main reasons people are not successful in real estate: Not Taking Action. Truth is, it’s a huge cause for failure in lots of ‘biz opp’ strategies.

It’s what I’ve since defined as the “outsourcing virus”.

This student wanted to know what he could do to get money coming in NOW.

Here’s what got me thinking… and why so many people are struggling in their businesses.

The student I was talking to had invested tens of thousands of dollars in real estate courses, seminars, and systems. Yet, he was still struggling. (Do you know anyone like that?) Continue reading